I no longer keep track of how many trips, or how many teams, or how many months we have spent in Cuba over the past 6 years. I do know my last trip was in November and I will return in January and March to continue our work. It’s not a hardship to spend time with people that
love the Word and love to worship. What a blessing to have the items from the shipped container in the hands of those who will bless thousands. We
have five building projects, at various stages, on the go. Our goal is to
wrap up these projects by the end of 2020, as we continue to train
leaders, purchase properties for house churches and create businesses
to sustain the work.
One of the Pastors we work with was accused of a crime he did not
commit, and sent to jail. He is scheduled to be released soon but while
in jail he has led many to Christ, held a 4 a.m. water baptismal, and
started a Bible study. He has been granted a work pass to help in the
local hospital which allows him to pray for the sick and the staff. He is
mentoring another man to take over the ministry upon his release. The
Assemblies of God churches in his region receive an offering once a
month to bless his wife and church. Wow!